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What is a V62 form?

What is a V62 form?

A V62 form is an official DVLA document that is used to make an application for a replacement V5C registration document if you have not been given one when purchasing a new vehicle, or if a V5C has not arrived from DVLA within 6 weeks of registering the vehicle. You can also use the V62 form to tax the vehicle at the same time as applying. The application form can be collected from a main post office or you can download it from this link.

V62 document download

How do I complete a V62 form?

You must complete all sections of the V62 form including the “tax class”  and VIN, chassis or frame number in section 1. The tax class and VIN number can be found on the V5 registration document. You will find them on the inside front cover under the make and model of the vehicle.

When completing section 3 on the V62 application, you will need to explain why you do not have a V5C document in your name.

If more than 4 weeks have elapsed from the time you purchased the vehicle and you still do not have a V5, then you can apply free of charge in section 4.

Section 4 will remind you of the £25.00 fee payable to DVLA if you are applying for a duplicate V5C as it has been lost or defaced.

More information can be read on the back of the V62 application form


You must complete all sections of the V62 form including the “tax class” and VIN, chassis or frame number in section 1. The tax class and VIN number can be found on the V5 registration document. You will find them on the inside front cover under the make and model of the vehicle. The V5C document is required in order to transfer DVLA number plate from car to car or retention certificate.

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