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Give The Gift of Private Number Plates This Christmas

Give The Gift of Private Number Plates This Christmas

The festive season is just around the corner and here at ThePrivatePlateCo, we think that personalised number plates make great Christmas gifts. Are you considering buying one of your loved ones a private number plate for Christmas this year? If so, we’d like to offer you some advice. Buying a private number plate can be quick and simple, but only if you know what you’re doing. That’s why we’re devoting today’s blog to helping you understand how to find high-quality, legitimate private number plates.

1. Know the law

All number plates have to conform to certain conventions. For example, their lettering can’t be italicised or otherwise stylised. What’s more, the first two digits of a number plate (representing the year the registration came into being) can’t exceed the year that the car was manufactured. Obviously, all number plates also have to represent real DVLA registrations. On the 23rd of August, the DVLA also banned a number of specific plates that they believed might cause offence, thereby making it even harder to know which plates might be legal. Trying to memorise every single law surrounding number plates isn’t advisable or necessary, however. You can ensure that you obey the law by buying your personalised plates from a reputable dealer that only sells legal DVLA number plates.

2. Look for something distinctive and specific

For obvious reasons, there can only be one number plate with any specific registration. As a result, trying to find a number plate that features a particularly popular word or phrase may be tricky. Instead, we suggest searching for a number plate that includes a word or phrase that holds particular significance to the person you’re buying it for and nobody else in the same family. You’re much more likely to find what you need in time for Christmas, and at a better price if you shop early. Names and Initials are the most popular searches and ones using dates of birth or birthdays come a close second. When searching for registrations always consider the implications of marriage and possible name changes. Young ladies are likely to get married and although their first names will never change, their initials are more than likely to.

3. Be open to inspiration

You may not find the exact plate you want, regardless of how hard you search. But don’t panic. If you’re open to inspiration and new ideas, you’ll see plenty of plates you could choose.

If you want to buy someone private number plates for Christmas, following the advice we’ve given in today’s blog will make the process much simpler. We supply a huge number of plates across the UK, and we work closely with the DVLA for a quick turnaround time, so take a look through our selection today. In fact we also offer a Christmas Day transfer where we guarantee to have your vehicle registration plate transferred on Christmas Day.