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Prefix style plates search
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Current style plates search
Choose a letter Choose a letter Choose a number Choose a number Choose a letter Choose a letter Choose a letter

Choose your own private plate

Use our handy DVLA personalised registrations search facility to choose your own private plate. Enter your required combinations of letters and numbers to search our vast database of over 66 million personal reg plates for hundreds of options.

It’s super quick and easy to choose your own private plate.

Firstly, decide on the format you prefer. Prefix registrations are older so will suit more vehicles and some are very short combinations having just 5, 6 or 7 characters. New style registrations are for more modern cars but have the benefit of being able to carry 2 sets of initials.

Choose your own Prefix DVLA registration.

Prefix DVLA registrations starts with a letter then numbers up to 999 and three letters of your choice. Certain letters such as I Q and Z are not permitted though. Try searching numbers for special occasions like 18th, 21st or 50th birthdays or anniversaries or even special car models such a V8 or X5.  Here are the 3 simple steps.

1. Choose a Prefix letter to start the plate.

2. Choose a number from the list of available options.

3. Choose three letters at the end of the plate and hit “search”

Helpful Hint. Leaving the search boxes with ANY will give many more results to choose from. If you want to see all the ABC combinations just enter ABC in the last 3 boxes. It’s that simple.

Choose your own New-Style DVLA registration.

New-Style registration plates were introduced in 2001 when the old prefix style came to an end. They start with 2 letters and end with three letters with numbers in between which represents the age of the registration. These plates are great if you want to use both sets of initials or a set of initials and a name on the same plate. Choosing is simple.

1. Choose 2 letters at the front and 2 letters at the end

2. Either decide on the 2 digits in the centre from the options available or just leave it empty to show all the available options. It’s important to note that you cannot make the vehicle appear newer so be careful.

Helpful Hint. Leaving the search boxes with ANY will give many more results to choose from.

What happens next?

Once you have decided on the registration you like, you either call us during office hours or simply click “Buy Now” to secure instantly and we will send your official certificate of ownership straight to you in 2-3 working days. If you prefer, we offer a fully managed transfer service which takes all the hassle out of arranging the tax, MoT and V5 paperwork. This is a perfect option if you are buying as a gift for a specific day such as Christmas as we guarantee to complete on the day of your choice.

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