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Buy a New Reg for Valentines Day

Buy a New Reg for Valentines Day

Its that time of year again… Valentines Day!!!

it’s almost upon us again, that time of year when women are getting excited chatting to their friends over lunch, hoping that they will soon hear those words “Will you marry me?” And then you have the men panicking to their friends, in case their loved ones are hoping he pops the question, when really he’s not.

Its a funny time of year. Don’t get us wrong. A lot of it will end happily, but we can’t help but feel for those poor girls who have waited another 12 months-and sometimes their whole lives-and it doesn’t happen. They will spend their valentines day sobbing and feeling dejected. Every girl wants that diamond ring and to make that man theirs.

New Registration Numbers for Valentines Day Gifts

But for the men who are thinking of popping the big question, why not be a bit different. Some girls will like to pick their own ring, to make sure its just perfect and how they imagined it as a child growing up. Why not buy her something as a clue, maybe a hint as to the whole marriage thing. There are loads of ideas, but we think buying a new personalised registration number is the perfect way. Something with her “soon to be” initials on it perhaps. or even both sets of initials maybe? Get where we’re going?

Ultimate Valentines Day GiftsImagine the look on her face when you hand her the new reg and she tries to disguise her disappointment and look happy. This isn’t what she was expecting. She will also probably look a bit bemused as those letters on the new reg are unfamiliar. What does it represent? Wait a minute. Is this a secret proposal in the making as those letters would be her married initials. We know of a few instances where this has happened and we know that she will be elated knowing that’s the coolest proposal ever-and she gets to go ring shopping with you the next day. Such a lovely moment and so romantic.

Private plates are becoming so popular for any occasion, birthdays, weddings, anniversary so why not engagements. Its something for all you romantic men out there to think about.  New registration numbers are also great investments as you shouldn’t lose money on them if you ever decide to sell it on and invest in another.

See a list of all our new registrations with LOV LUV and KISS registration plates on The Private Plate Company website.